Author Topic: Weather Blue NWS advforcast2.php update **5/30/2018**  (Read 1954 times)

Offline CurtisZM

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Weather Blue NWS advforcast2.php update **5/30/2018**
« on: May 30, 2018, 08:39:40 PM »
Another update to Weather Blue NWS forecast script.

1. Make sure you save a copy of your original advance2.php file.

2. Download advforecast2.txt. Once downloaded, make sure to change .txt to .php.

3. Change $NOAAZone to your location.

4. Make sure to find your location at and find you city. Then select printable forecast. Copy the URL and paste it in the proper location in the php file.

5. NOAAZone is found here:

Open advforecast.php and edit these two locations (In bold) to match your location:

$NOAAZone = 'MNZ078'; // change this line to your NOAA warning zone.
// set $fileName to the URL for the point-printable forecast for your area
// NOTE: this value (and $NOAAZone) will be overridden by the first entry in $NWSforecasts if it exists.
$fileName = "";
« Last Edit: May 30, 2018, 09:00:29 PM by CurtisZM »