Hi Arthur,
I've played yesterday with script from Saratoga and it's pretty simple!
But, you have html template version and this script is done in php.
Then, first, you have to know if your provider support Php. To test it,
a fast way is to take any htm page that you have and create a copy
renamed to .php (ex. index.htm to index.php) and sent it to your website.
You could not try it on your Pc, browser know only html pages, not php!
Your provider server will process this file as a php file, without founding
any specific Php command to execute and will only display html content.
You have to know that Php is only a html code writer on the server side.
Php code is changed to html by server depending on what you mentionned
to do (ex: If language=French use French words). If test is positive,
you could play with Saratoga script in an empty page included in template.
Little php knowledge:A "php block" is begining with
<?php and ending with
?>A command like first line IF.. could be one or more lines embrassed with
}While taking ec-forecast-testpage.php file as guide, copy 1st section before
DOCTYPE html... (forget IF section) to correspondant place in empty page.
Copy <style>... </srtle> section juste before </head> in empty page.
Then all in between <body>... </body> is the test forecast itself. You'll see
php commands like this <?php print $forecast[1]; ?>, play with indice [1];
you could replace 1 with number from 0 to 7.
Check in file ec_forecast.php to see list of "Php variables" you could play with.
you'll find near a dozen, like $forecast[1].
Then, hope this help you!
Ps. I'm playing with it, and will launch page including it in a few days.