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Php templates / Re: New Moon Phase Images for WB2_2b
« Last post by Andy9164 on July 29, 2020, 11:11:19 AM »
For your second problem with the background / frame not showing.

Your background image is 270px x 395px but the div its trying to fit in to is only 270px x 250px so you are (I have to be careful here as I am speaking to a teacher) 145px short.

From what I can see the DIV have a class of pan.nightlong. If you look in CSS the class .pan is defined as 220 x 250 + 20 padding right and 20 padding left so it shows up as 270 x 250.

You could create a new class in CSS by combining pan and nighlong in to one new class like this

.pannightlong {
   width: 220px;
   height: 395px;
   padding: 0px 20px 0px 30px;
   color: #000000;
        background: url(style/pan_nightlong.png) 0px 0px no-repeat;

Then change you html code on the page to..

<div class="pannightlong" style="margin-bottom:5px;">
                  <h2> Earth & Moon Phase </h2>

Let me know how it goes

Php templates / Re: New Moon Phase Images for WB2_2b
« Last post by Andy9164 on July 29, 2020, 10:15:42 AM »
Hi Steve,
I think you have too many </DIV>'s under where it says "Moon Visible at" on Line 209. My comments in brackets

On the original WB2 index page it has:

</div> (his closes the DIV "pan night")
            </div> (this closes the DIV "right_h")
            <div style="clear: both"></div>
         </div> (this closes the DIV "razd_lr_h")
      </div> (this closes the div "content")

In your page you have the same but you dont have a DIV  "razd_lr_h" so you have an extra </div) and your </DIV>'s are working as follows

</div> (Closes DIV "pan nightlong")
            </div> (this closes DIV "right_h")
            <div style="clear: both"></div>
         </div> (this closes DIV "content")
      </div> (this closes the DIV "main")

Therefore your box div <div class="cont_bot" style="padding: 0px 0px 0px 120px"></div> is outside of the DIV "main". In CSS the DIV "main" is set to 1000px and is centred by margin: 0px auto in the css file. As you box is outside the div, it treats it as part of the page body and just sticks it on the left.

Take a backup of the files and then delete the last </DIV> highlighted above on both pages. Hopefully that will fix it

I simulated it here by adding an extra div.


Php templates / Re: New Moon Phase Images for WB2_2b
« Last post by Steve Bannister on July 29, 2020, 06:58:53 AM »
Hi andy,

Thanks for those, they work perfectly! I just resized them to 135x135 to fit the panel and they look great.

I thought I read that MX was for Windows 8 and above, and the school has Windows 7, but the Cumulus 1 works fine for what we need.

I'm just trying to write a couple of new pages for the template, which is taking me ages. I've copied the index page as a template and I'm adapting them for a 'Wind' page and a 'Night Sky' page. What's bugging me at the moment is the rounded edge image at the bottom (cont_bot) which has jumped to the left. Plus, I've made a larger panel for a Earth and Moon phase image, but I can't get it to appear, I've added it to the style.css sheet to know what I'm talking about, the image is in the right folder, but it just won't appear. Any ideas with PHP?

Have a look and you'll see what I mean;

Php templates / Re: New Moon Phase Images for WB2_2b
« Last post by Andy9164 on July 28, 2020, 11:10:33 AM »
Hi Steve,
Believe it or not in my "Lots of Moons" folder on my pc I just happen to have them 0 to 100 and -0 to -100.

I only did these recently for someone on the Cumulus form and I was totally unaware that this was the easiest way to do it. I always used the moonphae and the percentatgeAbs tags. I ended up with more than 200 images originally as sometimes you would get FullMoon99, FullMoon100 etc so had to make copies and rename them. I wish I new about the <#moonpercent> before. But we live and learn. :)

So these are 100px  x 100px. Hopefully they will do what you need. If not give me a shout and I will see what I can do.

Not thinking of going to CumulusMX? I ditched my old laptop, bought a PI went to MX some time ago. There were some changes to be made in some of the files due to the new formatting rules but once I got that sorted its all good. I dont think there is any further development on Cumulus1 anymore. BTW if you go to MX you dont need the moon icons as I mentioned earlier..

Also got rid of my old Maplin (FineOffset) weather station and upgraded to one of the new Ecowitt models. Found it to be so more accurate.

If you need any help let me know.

Have fun.

Php templates / Re: New Moon Phase Images for WB2_2b
« Last post by Steve Bannister on July 28, 2020, 10:23:24 AM »
Hi Andy,

Thanks for the code, I really appreciate it. This is what I ended up with;

               <div class="pan beaufort">
                  <h2><?php echo $Tr_beaufort; ?></h2>
                  <img src="style/beaufort/<?php echo $beaufortnumber; ?>.png" alt="" style="padding: 20px 0px 10px 0px" />
                  <p style="text-align:center">Currently : Force <?php echo $beaufortnumber; ?><br>
                  <?php echo $beaudesc; ?> </p>

I'd love a copy of the Moon files, please. I have found a set but there are 361 of them from 0 to 360. Great files, but Cumulus 1 seems to work best with 200 using the negative numbers for waning and <#MoonPercent>

I guess I'll see when you send them, but I assume they go from 0 (new) to 100 (full) then -100 to -1 (new again)?

I'm back in the UK now, teaching at a school in Bedfordshire. I've just got the PTA to buy us a weather station, so I'm doing it all again. Just a little bit more full-on this time.

Php templates / Re: New Moon Phase Images for WB2_2b
« Last post by Andy9164 on July 27, 2020, 02:15:45 AM »
Hi Steve,
Keeping well thanks hope you and everyone here is as well.

I still heve a set of moons, in fact I have several as I modified some and found a new way of creating the shading so am happy to post them if you need them. However.....

If you are using CmulusMX then that now has the ability to create a daily moon image, very similar to mine and I actually use that on my website now rather than holding 200+ images. If you need help with that take a look in the CumulusMX forum or give me a shout here. By all means, if you need my images let me know and I will attach them.

As for the Beaufort, it works on the same principle as the original moon. I have 13 images named 0,1,2...12 in a folder located at style/beaufort and then on the index.php page you would need to add some code similar to the moon code. This is from my page just to give you an idea.

<div class="picture beaufort" style="margin-bottom:25px;">
                  <h5 style="padding-top:38px;">Currently : Force <strong><?php echo $beaufortnumber; ?></strong><br>
                  <?php echo $beaudesc; ?> </h5>
                  <img src="../style/beaufort/<?php echo $beaufortnumber; ?>.png" alt="" style="padding: 10px 0px 0px 75px" />

Hope that helps

Php templates / Re: New Moon Phase Images for WB2_2b
« Last post by Steve Bannister on July 26, 2020, 06:20:24 AM »
Hi Andy,

Long time, no speak! I hope you're well and keeping safe.

I came across your Moon files, but the link doesn't work anymore. Do you still have a set? I'm also interested in how you got your Beaufort images to work.

Hopefully, you see this.

Php templates / Re: Passwort for manage.php
« Last post by Steve Bannister on July 15, 2020, 07:15:52 AM »
By default, it is set to 'adminpass'.

Template Manager Module is protected from unauthorized access. To use your module for the 1st time, you have to edit file "include/password_protect.php" to change the current password "adminpass", to your own password.
Html Templates / Re: Weather blues problem
« Last post by fastbysuzuki on June 10, 2020, 03:53:35 PM »
Hi Jacques, sorry it's me again I managed to follow your instructions and inserted the piece in the page but still have a problem the big clouds background is not full page and am struck on how to fix that.
Also when viewing all the pages on a iPad the pages are not showing correctly on the right hand side I have not edited any pages other than
See attachment
Any help appreciated
Html Templates / Re: Weather blues problem
« Last post by fastbysuzuki on June 10, 2020, 03:41:01 PM »
Hi Jacques, sorry about the duplicate post I thought I had deleted one.
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