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Php templates / CumulusMX template corrupted when unzipped
« Last post by BestGear on August 19, 2024, 12:59:41 PM »
Hi Guys

Finally made the move to MX from V1, and find the updated file at the link below will not download and unzip.

If anyone can upload or point me to a file that is intact, I would very much appreciate it.

Html Templates / Re: text question on index.html page
« Last post by Mr.Meteo on March 06, 2023, 04:04:21 PM »
Hi Peter,

Sure you can modify any page from your template. Just check into your C:\Cumulus\web folder
to find all the unprocessed page that you coul edit to your need.

A small thing, your system page seems to be renamed to be your main weather page,
as it is renamed to index.htm it is the page to be displayed when we type your url
( without a page name at the end of your url.

system.htm page has been created to be a hidden page, for your utility as a webmaster.
Nothing wrong to use the page as it is used on your site, but the real index.htm could be
a better place to insert your text.

Best regards,
Html Templates / Re: text question on index.html page
« Last post by fastbysuzuki on March 04, 2023, 10:46:56 AM »
Hi Jacques is it possible to add some text to the supervision screen page if so where do I find it ?
I am asking because I cannot look at the cumulus setup as it is located on a computer that is in a remote location from where I am so I need the info in preparation before going to add the changes I want

Html Templates / Re: text question on index.html page
« Last post by fastbysuzuki on March 04, 2023, 03:18:17 AM »
Hi thanks Jacques great to see you around after all these years appreciate the help thanks
Html Templates / Re: text question on index.html page
« Last post by Mr.Meteo on March 03, 2023, 06:15:38 PM »
Hi Fast,

Your template, Weather Blues v1, is a html template.
So, entire pages have to be processed each time, before upload
as stated in installation page (

Your unprocessed template should be in your C:\Cumulus\web folder.
You'll see your template's files, each name ended with a capital "T"
(indexT.htm, yesterdayT.htm...).

Simply edit desired page(s) and Cumulus will send your page(s) modified
at next update (and all other times).

Hope this help

Best regards,
Html Templates / Re: text question on index.html page
« Last post by fastbysuzuki on March 03, 2023, 04:22:51 PM »
Hi Jacques thanks ever so much for your reply the site Is
When I insert the text “check out our other weather page”  to the existing text it gets wiped out when the weather updates. Also could I be cheeky and ask could I insert that text into the supervision screen?
If I can add both texts to the pages how do I do it please
Html Templates / Re: text question on index.html page
« Last post by Mr.Meteo on March 03, 2023, 02:46:16 PM »
Hi Fast,

You site url in your profile is obsolete (
so I don't see your site (template).

So, give me your link, please.

Html Templates / text question on index.html page
« Last post by fastbysuzuki on March 03, 2023, 02:22:27 PM »
hi, i want to add some text to the home /index.htlm page but when i put in the text on the next weather update the text gets wiped out how can i get it to stay put?
the text in question is (check out our other weather page Here) Here being a hyperlink

Welcome to N.C.I. Fleetwood QAVS UK
The weather station in use is the Davis Vantage Pro 2 these pages are updated every 10 minutes. Please check the date & time below to ensure information is current.
The meteorological day used at this station ends at 10am.
Check out our other weather page Here
Html Templates / Re: Menu question
« Last post by Mr.Meteo on August 24, 2022, 10:08:39 AM »
Hi Fast,

As said by Andy, your Realtime line on the menubar is in the DIV buttons,
but, on Weather Blues v.1 you have to modify the source (unprocessed) file.

For the main page menu, modify indexT.htm file.

Html Templates / Re: Menu question
« Last post by Andy9164 on August 13, 2022, 01:03:06 PM »
If it comes back when you have deleted it then those files must be getting uploaded again from somewhere else when the weather updates.

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