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Html Templates / Re: Menu question
« Last post by Andy9164 on August 13, 2022, 12:36:10 PM »
Only 4 months late but I dont visit here very often these days.

I noticed in several of your pages you have this code in the <DIV id="buttons"> section. Its in index, today, yesterday, thismonth, this year, record, gauges, trends.

<a href="images.htm" class="but" title="Live Weather Report">Realtime</a>

It actually points to images.htm page in all instances.

You need to remove that line of code and save the file in each one and upload all changed files to your webserver or web hosting server.

Html Templates / Menu question
« Last post by fastbysuzuki on April 10, 2022, 04:39:09 PM »
Hi I want to remove a tab from the menu i.e. "Realtime" from our website evertime I remove it from "Buttons" it's gone then when the weather updates it comes back what am I doing wrong please?
Html Templates / Re: installing mooons
« Last post by Andy9164 on January 18, 2021, 03:06:24 AM »
Which images did you download and can you give an example of the filename of one of the images.

I am not html expert as I use php for my website but I will try and help you.

What we need to try and do us use the webtags from Cumulus to create an image name which points to the correct moon image. In Cumulus 1, it just creates an image called moon.bmp which the template points to in this line of code. I dont even know if this is possible.

<div style="height: 140px;background-image: url('images/ciel.jpg'); background-repeat: no-repeat">
                  <img src="images/moon.bmp" style="padding: 15px 0px 0px 120px" alt="Lunar phase icon" title="Lunar phase icon" />

The newer version on Cumulus (CumulusMX) automatically now generates an image called moon which shows the current moonphase. I use that on my website now rather than having a lot of different images.

You can see my webpage here. Scroll down on the right and you will see the image created in CumulsMX.

My page started as Weather Blues 2 php version but it has changed a lot but the base code is still one the one that Jacques wrote.

Php templates / Re: Weather Blues Template instalation
« Last post by Andy9164 on January 17, 2021, 08:47:08 AM »
Hi Alexandros,

In your directory on your host server you should have all the files and folders from the WB2 installation. To acces them you would normally use That page seems to connect but no information. Check the error logs on your server to see if you are getting any php errors which is preventing the display of the data. Maybe default files that the template uses cannot be found..


Php templates / Weather Blues Template instalation
« Last post by alessandro on January 15, 2021, 03:22:42 PM »
Hello Jacques and other weather fans:

Today, after years, I decided  to  install  for testing in  to my pages the  Weather Blues Template but nothing appears.
 I haven't changed anything, so I don't know what's happened.

Any advice or assistance is greatly appreciated.

Best Regards
Html Templates / installing mooons
« Last post by caboz on January 14, 2021, 02:12:43 PM »
Can some one help me how to install difrent moons i downloaded here
my template for cumulus 1 is Sunny Weather . thank you
Php templates / Re: Passwort for manage.php
« Last post by Mr.Meteo on December 27, 2020, 07:16:13 PM »

On the folder where manage has been launched,
current file will be renamed with .BAK extension
and newer file will take place.

(Take "update" button to see updated file version appear)

Php templates / Re: Passwort for manage.php
« Last post by reimundko on December 24, 2020, 07:26:15 AM »
I called the manage.pgp. There he told me. wt_data_inc.php int = 2.5 and web 2.6 So we made an update. But where does he save the new file for me?
Promote your site! / New weatherstation
« Last post by elvino on August 08, 2020, 11:55:13 PM »
My new weather site is at
Php templates / Re: New Moon Phase Images for WB2_2b
« Last post by Steve Bannister on August 04, 2020, 02:52:10 AM »
Hi Andy,

Your page works perfectly, thank you so much. I love it, it's exactly what I was looking for.

The cache issue is a pain, I was having to clear it so often last week after even small changes to the pages. It gets frustrating.

I wanted to add the astronomy pages so that the kids at school can use them as they link in with our science lessons. Plus, being semi-rural, we have a few stargazers in the town who would also appreciate them. I've found a nicer page to embed for a 'view' of the current sky, but it'll mean losing the right-hand column as it's more landscape (as it should be).

I'm intrigued as to your 'offer'? Tell me more.

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