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Weather Blues v2 Steel Gauges Installation Instructions


Folks, as a big thank you to Jacques and everyone else who has helped me thus far, I'm providing a dummies guide to installing the Steel Series gauges into the Weather Blues PHP template. If there are any comments or suggestions please reply and I will update.

So you have implemented Weather Blues PHP  template, but when you go to the gauge tab the steel series gauges that are in the demo are not there! You have to add them yourself.
Jacques has done all the hard work but he leaves enough to challenge and encourage you to learn a bit yourself.  ;)

So you look around the forum and there's nothing explicit.
The Cumulus wiki has steel series installation details, but they appear to be HTML specific so maybe they will not work with PHP and you end messing up your site.
The download pack does not have instructions.

So, to save you anymore anguish, here are some instructions. Its actually quite easy to do. If you want o work it yourself cross reference the two posts on the forum with the cumulus wiki article and  it will all start to make sense - I've just filled in the gaps .

Go to the WeatherbyYou website Downloads section
Download the following package to your PC

WB2 SSGauges
SteelSeries gauges for Weather Blues v2 (php)
2 styles , each support UV/Solar sensors!

Unzip the package

The package will contain two folders "lib" and "style"
A stylesheet: guages-ss.cs
A gauge data realtime file:  realtimeguagesT.txt
Four php files for each of the styles of gauge

On your weather-station PC make complete backup copy of your cumulus/web folder (in case there's a problem)
Go to your web server and make complete backup copy of your weather-website files (in case there's a problem)

Return to the unzipped folder on your PC and copy the following folders and files to your web server;

- lib/guages-ss folder copy to your weather-website /lib folder
- style/logo_wby.png copy to your weather-website site /style folder
- style/title_leds.png copy to your weather-website /style folder
- style/box_img4.png copy to your weather-website /style folder

- gauges-light.php copy to the root of your weather-website i.e the same place as index.php
- gauges-dark.php copy to the root of your weather-website i.e the same place as index.php
- gauges-light_UV.php copy to the root of your weather-website i.e the same place as index.php
- gauges-dark_UV.php copy to the root of your weather-website i.e the same place as index.php
- gauges-ss.css file copy to the root of your weather-website i.e the same place as index.php

If you know what style you want you can copy just the relevant php file, but having all four uploaded means that you can change your mind more easily in the future.

In the root of your weather site open the file "header_menu.php"

Assuming that you haven't already done a lot of customization, about a third of the way down there is the line;

 <li><a href="gauges.php" title="Weather gauges"><span>Gauges</span></a></li>   

You need to edit teh red highlight part of this line this line to point to your new gauges. So depending on what style you want change  this line to ONE of the following:

<li><a href="gauges-light.php" title="Weather gauges"><span>Gauges</span></a></li>   
<li><a href="gauges-dark.php" title="Weather gauges"><span>Gauges</span></a></li>   
<li><a href="gauges-light_UV.php" title="Weather gauges"><span>Gauges</span></a></li>   
<li><a href="gauges-dark_UV.php" title="Weather gauges"><span>Gauges</span></a></li>   

Save the edited file

Returning back to the unzipped folder on your PC, copy the file realtimeguagesT.txt to your cumulus/web folder on your weatherstation PC

Open up Cumulus

From the main page click Configuration > Internet > Files

Add the following realtime file:-
Local filename  = <path>\Cumulus\web\realtimegaugesT.txt
  Remote filename = <website_root_path>/realtimegauges.txt
  Process = Yes (checked)
  FTP = Yes (checked) (unless you are local hosting)
Click Save
Return to the main page
Click File > Web Update
Let the FTP process complete

Now the moment of truth!!!!  :o

Open up a browser and access your weather web site
Click the Gauges Tab "et voila!" (as Jacques would say!).  ^-^
Shiny new gauges.


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