Official release:
Php v5.x+
Cumulus v1.9.2+
14 pages
Update module
Modules addons
3 separate menus
Weather Sky template is a series of file you have to edit and send to your website. This template requires that you already have Cumulus software (v1.9.2 or newer) installed on your Pc. You will also need a Domain or a personnel web space on a web-server where to publish your site. Finally, you need a ftp acces to your site
First, you have to download package in our Download section. To do so, you first need to be member of our Forum, if not, downloading the module will give you a link to the registration form. Save archive (.zip) to your local hard drive
Weather Sky template is composed of many files and folders. After extracting the archive content in a folder, you should have the folder listing content as shown beside. Some other files are not listed in order not to condense this listing.
This template is composed of many parts that the server assemble before sending it to the visitors. Let's see, in a simplified way, what is happening on the server!
Take for example your main page: index.php. Your provider's server open the file and reads it's content, line by line, exucuting all "commands" in index.php. Starting by trying to set the default language to use, server goes to lang folder and open the selected language, read it and remembers all the (translated) words. At the same time, it check files in lang to build the list of available languages
Then, the second command it enconters tell the server to include all lines of file wt_data_inc.php (weather data from Cumulus) and remember them all. Then, it detects a demand to include file header_inc.php; this file includes 3 parts: upper menu, header image and main menu.
Finally, it begins to write some titles and prepare the layout for including the index_txt.php file. This file contain the center page; weather infos from Cumulus data file, which has been read read previously. Finishing with the footer and its included menu, the server is ready to send the result of the "work" that has been done!
When we see all that processing, we'll think: "Why doing it all so complex"? But complexity is synonym of "power" and "versatility". Think of it like this: having to modify just 1 file when we want to add a new item to a menu is prettty simple compared to editing all pages of a site! Also, take the language for example: If you want to create a multilingual site, you have to duplicate all files in your site for each new language you want to add. Then figure out that your site has only 15 pages you want to translate to 10 other languages (15 pages x 11 languages = 165 pages!)... and don't forget to verify all links inside each page!!
One thing that you have already heard about, the CSS principle: separate layout from content! Imagine that in this site, I decided that I don't like those big green titles anymore and find the font is too dull, I want something fancier. I have to edit ALL pages from my site to modify the pages entirely, and to find all places where I use that title to change color and font! (my most complete site has more then 150 pages, what a job!!). Then CSS is there for that reason. Change color and font in 1 place... and like "magic", all pages are modified without editing any of them!
Then web languages, like php, allow to extend that phisolophy to all parts of a web page. If we turn back to Cumulus, how many new calculations or improvements it launches (=builds) in a single year? If you've worked hard to customize your site in a unique way and your template is imposed to replace an entire page for any correction/addition... you will install each version of both Cumulus and the template? Or will you do less refinements?
Weather Sky template works that way! You will find that practically all weather pages have their TXT conterpart (eg. index.php and index_txt.php). Then you can customize the .php in any way that you want, adding as many refinements that you can think of, like "I'll try to update this files as rarely as I can"! But, never modify a file ending with _txt.php as I'll keep then alive by including news from Cumulus as fast as I can!
Now! You know the most important things... let's configure your template!