Today's data

This page shows a summary of the data since midnightlocal time
Temperature and humidity
High Temperature33,2 °C16:45
Low Temperature26,9 °C19:16
Temperature Range6,3°C 
High Apparent Temperature36,6 °C16:43
Low Apparent Temperature30,9 °C19:16
High Heat Index35,5 °C16:43
Low Wind Chill26,9 °C19:16
Maximum dew point22,2 °C18:36
Minimum dew point18,7 °C16:29
High Humidity70%19:17 
Low Humidity44%16:28
Heat degree days0,0 
Cool degree days1,9 
Hours of Sunshine0,0 
Rainfall Rate Max3,6 mm/hr19:01
High Hourly Rainfall0,3 mm18:59
Current Wet Spell0 Day 
Current Dry Spell0 Day 
Highest Gust17,3 km/h/hr16:09
Highest Speed (10 minute average)5,2 km/h (F1)16:11
Wind bearing360°16:09
Dominant DirectionOSO 
Wind Run4,9 km 
Pressure (sea level)
Barometer1012,3 hPa15:52
Barometer1011,4 hPa18:42

Page updated : 2012-08-01 19:21:44
powered by Cumulus 1.0 (1032)




Current forecast

Forecast: Fine, possible showers

Forecast image
(next 12 hours)


Moon phase

Phase: Pleine Lune
Moon visible at: 100%